full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Bhakti Sharma: What open water swimming taught me about resilience

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When you spend so much time with a sprot, it ceases to be just that and becomes a mirror. And that shows who you really are. You see that your mettle as an athlete is not only tested on race day but every signle day, when the sport demands that you get up at 4:30 in the morning, swim for two hruos, go to school, come back, swim for three hours, go home, eat and sleep. When you win a medal or set a world record, this mirror shows the happiness that you and your levod ones feel, but also rlfeects the taers that you shed all by yourself, alone in the water.

Open Cloze

When you spend so much time with a _____, it ceases to be just that and becomes a mirror. And that shows who you really are. You see that your mettle as an athlete is not only tested on race day but every ______ day, when the sport demands that you get up at 4:30 in the morning, swim for two _____, go to school, come back, swim for three hours, go home, eat and sleep. When you win a medal or set a world record, this mirror shows the happiness that you and your _____ ones feel, but also ________ the _____ that you shed all by yourself, alone in the water.


  1. hours
  2. loved
  3. reflects
  4. tears
  5. sport
  6. single

Original Text

When you spend so much time with a sport, it ceases to be just that and becomes a mirror. And that shows who you really are. You see that your mettle as an athlete is not only tested on race day but every single day, when the sport demands that you get up at 4:30 in the morning, swim for two hours, go to school, come back, swim for three hours, go home, eat and sleep. When you win a medal or set a world record, this mirror shows the happiness that you and your loved ones feel, but also reflects the tears that you shed all by yourself, alone in the water.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
open water 5
water swimming 3
english channel 3
world record 3
antarctic ocean 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
open water swimming 3

Important Words

  1. athlete
  2. ceases
  3. day
  4. demands
  5. eat
  6. feel
  7. happiness
  8. home
  9. hours
  10. loved
  11. medal
  12. mettle
  13. mirror
  14. morning
  15. race
  16. record
  17. reflects
  18. school
  19. set
  20. shed
  21. shows
  22. single
  23. sleep
  24. spend
  25. sport
  26. swim
  27. tears
  28. tested
  29. time
  30. water
  31. win
  32. world